3) |
@ |
マーチン・ミドル・スクールの生徒の反応 |
Janet W Knighton(以下Jann) が勤務するTarboro High Schoolでも実施し,9〜12学年複合の選択日本語の2クラスである。いずれのクラスでも上映中に私語をする生徒はなく,集中して15分間見ることができた。動画がいかに有効な交流の手段であるかを実感した。
学校紹介ビデオを上映した後,マーチン・ミドル・スクールの生徒からメッセージをもらい,ビデオレターを作成した。学校紹介ビデオの上映前に,生徒に次のような話をした。『私の生徒が作った学校紹介ビデオを流します。見終わったらあなたたちの感想をビデオに記録させて下さい。英語を学習して2年なので,アドバイスをしてあげてほしい。それが今後の彼らの学習のmotivationになる。』ビデオレター作成に関しては,どの学年の生徒も好意的で,積極的にメッセージを話してくれた。学校紹介ビデオに対する反応は,予想以上によく,三原や日本に関しての質問が多くでたり,同じようにマーチン・ミドル・スクールの学校紹介文をその場で書いたり,メールアドレスや住所を書き込む生徒までいた。 |
A |
日本の学校生活をビデオで見て,反応が特に大きかった事柄(自由記述) |
・ |
全校生徒が制服を着ている。 |
・ |
1クラスあたりの生徒数が40人弱であるということ。(アメリカでは20人弱) |
・ |
教室で食事を食べていて,カフェテリアがない。 |
・ |
生徒が自分たちで掃除をしている。 |
・ |
全員が部活動に位置づいていること。 |
・ |
下校時間が17:40であるということ。(アメリカは15:00) |
・ |
通学方法がバスでなく,徒歩や自転車などさまざまであること。(アメリカはスクールバスがほとんど) |
B |
(Student 1)
At Martin Middle
our school starts at 7:45 a.m. - 2:45p.m. We eat
lunch in a cafeteria at 12:15. I’m learning how
to speak Japanese. We do math, science, social studies,
language arts, band, music, P.E , computer, Spanish
and many other electives. (途中抜粋) My after school
activities are basketball. I want to play for my
school teams. I like just about everything except
social studies.
(ランチはカフェテリアで食べる。7時45分開始で,2時45分に終わる。) |
(Student 2) |
Martin Middle
School has a lot of the same things has your school.
We have plenty of clubs and after school activities.
There are a lot of differences though. Like we get
out of school at 2:45. We have lockers and we don’t
eat in the class room. We have Japanese like you
have English. Cool uhh. I’m learning some Japanese,
but I don’t know a lot. Do your teachers have class
pets? We do. (以下省略)
(放課後にはたくさんのクラブ活動があるところが似ている。ロッカーがあり,教室では食事はしない。日本で英語があるようにここでは日本語のクラスがある。先生たちはクラスのペットを飼っている。) |
(Student 3) |
(途中省略) I would
like to be in after school activities, but I don’t
have enough time. Do people in Mihara Junior High
School like homework and test? I don’t like homework
and test. Is school fun in Japan? Would you like
to visit Martin Middle School? I would like to go
to your school to visit.
(宿題やテストが嫌いですが,三原中学校にはそれが好きな人はいますか?日本の学校は楽しいですか?マーチンミドルスクールに来ませんか?私は是非行きたいです。) |
(Student 4) |
Hey! My name
is Jessica Lynn Webber. I would like to get to know
you and become friends.I would like to learn more
about Japanese. I like soccer and softball. I am
a sophomore(10 grade) at T.H.S. Please write me
and we can become friend in the future.
(もっと日本語について習いたい。文通して先で友だちになりたい。) |
(Student 5) |
I am 15. I am
in the 10th grade at Tarboro High School in Tarboro,
North Carolina. This town is very small. Write me
back and let us become friends. I would like to
learn about Japanese culture and what life is like
there. We only had five minutes to write this in
class, so I am sorry it is short! Please talk to
me and let’s be friends. Best wishes in school.
(友だちになってほしい。もっと日本の文化や生活について学びたい。友だちになってほしい。) |
▲日本語クラスの教室 |
▲話を聞く生徒の様子 |
@ |
生徒の関心度 |
D21 クラス単位での文化交流への興味
D21 e-mail交換の希望 |
A |
アンケート調査資料(質問項目25問 ※アンケー依頼文など一部省略)
A) About your school system, equipment
1. |
Do you have any air conditioner
in every room?
2. |
Do you like your school?
3. |
Do you like your teachers?
4. |
Have you ever had many student
(In our school about 100 student teachers come to
study for a month.) |
5. |
Do you want to wear any school
uniform? |
B) About your school events
6. |
Do you have any field trip? |
7. |
Do you spend a few days on your
school trip?
(In Japan we stay in a few days on our school trip.)
8. |
Do you have a cultural school
9. |
Do you have a sport festival? |
C) About your school life
10. |
Do you have your homework every
day? |
11. |
Are boys and girls on good terms
to help each other? |
12. |
Have you ever had a meeting with
your teacher and your parents?
(In our school we have to talk with our homeroom
teacher with our parents in the end of the semester.
In this meeting we can get guidance for higher education.
) |
13. |
Do you belong to any club activities? |
14. |
Do you have any student’s committee? |
15. |
Do you have any swimming classes
in P.E? |
16. |
Did you study about Japan in your
social studies class? |
17. |
Have you studied about Japan or
Japanese in your school? |
D) About your impression of Japan and Japanese
18. |
Are you interested in Japan or
Japanese? |
19. |
Have you ever used or seen chopsticks? |
20. |
Do you want to go Japan in your
future? |
21. |
Are you interested in cultural
exchange between your class (school) and our Mihara
J.H.S? |
22. |
Are you interested in exchanging
an e-mail with our school? |
23. |
Have you ever read our letters
called Kanji or Kana? |
24. |
Are you interested in Japanese
cultures? |
25. |
Have you ever watched Japanese
movies or Japanese TV? |
Please fill out a questionnaire.
If you choose yes, you will write 1. If you choose no,
you will write 2.
The last (E) questionnaire is a writing question. You
will write your own questions or opinion
E) About your opinion toward Mihara Junior High
Please write your any questions or opinion on the answer
sheet. |