The School Exchange International Forum will
be held as follows. All those who are interested in international
understanding education and school exchange activities are welcome
to attend. |
1 Date and Time: |
30 July 2005 (Sat.) 13:00-17:00 |
2 Place: |
Hiroshima Garden Palace 1-15 Hikarimachi,
Higashi-ku, Hiroshima City.
http://www.hotelgp-hiroshima.com/htm/map_top.html |
3 Participation Fee: |
Free |
4 Audience: |
Open to any interested person, but if
you would like to attend please send an e-mail or fax
per details below. |
5 Program: |
Opening Addresses (13:00-13:15)
* Address by Tomoyuki Kobara, representative of the Global
Partnership School Center (GPSC)
* Address by President Taizo Muta, Hiroshima University
* Address by Associate Professor C. Ledford, East Carolina
University |
Ceremony to Announce Completion of the GPSC
Website (13:15-14:30)
* |
Construction of the website. |
* |
Introduction of school exchange activities
(from Attached Shinonome Junior High School, Attached
Mihara Primary School and Attached Mihara Junior High
School). |
Symposium (14:45-16:45)
Cultivating Global Citizenship: Possibilities and Challenges
for School Exchange
* Coordinators
Professor Seiji Fukuzawa, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima
Professor Hideki Yonekawa, Director, International Student Center,
Osaka Kyoiku University
* Panelists
David Jones (US - Japan Foundation Associate Director)
Youko Takagi, Director, JEAN
Associate Professor Carolyn Ledford, College of Education, East
Carolina University
Professor Emeritus Shuichi Nakayama, Hiroshima University, Director
of Heiwa Koken NGOs Hiroshima
Closing Address (16:45-17:00)
A party will be held after the forum (17:30-19:00).
We hope that many of you will be able to attend (expected cost
is 6000 yen). |
For further information and applications:
Please provide us with the following information when applying:
1. Name, 2. Affiliation, 3. Address, telephone number and e-mail
address for correspondence,
4. Whether you wish to attend the party or not. Office
for the School Exchange International Forum
Telephone and Facsimile: 082-424-7190 (direct)
E-mail gpsc@hiroshima-u.ac.jp |